For my awesome new blog layout...I absolutely love it...everyone should have an Alika Custom Made blog layout...go HERE to check out her awesome blog and everything she offers...I have fallen in love with her kits and now her blog layouts! Thanks so much girl!
This is my first attempt at word art...and I think it came out pretty well...this is a Designer Mall can find the Designer Mall on CafeMom HERE I hope everyone comes and checks it out...
I have been selected as a tag/cluster frame make for the awesome Rissa...I am so excited as this will be my first CT endeavor...thanks so much to Rissa for giving me this opportunity! I hope I can do her awesome kits justice! You can find her amazing kits and everything else here...
I made my first ever template last night exclusive for Siggy Showdown...I'm kinda excited about's not very complex...but its mine...there aren't any preset shaped in so I was kinda limited in what I could do...
My name is Mary Liz...I am 29...happily unmarried to the love of my life John. We have 3 kids between us. I have 10 year old twin daughters (Audrey & Taylor) and he has a 4 year old son (Aidan) that I love as if he were my own...I work full time at a car dealership in the office doing everything from body shop paperwork to detail paperwork to payroll and service paperwork...I do pretty much anything that is asked of me...LOL...I am a huge Twilight and Vampire Diaries fact I love pretty much anything that has to do with the supernatural...I have been designing for about 2 years...but I am not a PSPer...I use PDN...but I think I hang pretty well with the ladies I know in the PSP community...I dont think Im near their level...but I manage ok...LOL...I decided to make this blog (with the help of Shayuri~thanks girl you rock) after some encouragement from the ladies from an awesome forum I belong to...its called Siggy Showdown and everyone should check it out...I dont make templates or scrap kits...or anything but tags and the occasional word this will be mostly a showoff blog for my tags...I hope yall enjoy them as much as I enjoy making them...I am always open to taking feel free to let me know if you see something you like and are interested in...Thanks for stopping in!